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>>>> Plas prej inati, Ta pin gjakun me pamuk, Qepe gojën, Pije ta piftë bolla në bark, Shoqe shoqe kallamoqe <<<< BREZI postcards with common sayings used in the daily life of an Albanian. Each set contains 5 individual cards. Enjoy!
>>>> Tungjatjeta, Faqet si gurabija, As du rruze as du lirë veq e du një rrogë të mirë, Syri keq mos t'paftë, Pse po fryhesh? <<<< BREZI postcards with common sayings used in the daily life of an Albanian. Each set contains 5 individual cards. Enjoy!
>>>> A ka ujë mu la, Ktheje ka Zagrebi, Çake, Mos prek ku s'duhet, Hot si (Graijlica) <<<< BREZI postcards with common sayings used in the daily life of an Albanian. Each set contains 5 individual cards. Enjoy!